Black Owned Businesses


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A Black Owned Business directory. BlackTradeLines is a mobile application that helps users locates the nearest African American owned businesses, deals, events and activities to them. The app uses the both a voice enabled search and a built-in GPS locator to find Black-owned entities within a given proximity.
Search for African American Owned Businesses, Black Enterprise. List your business today!
A Black Business Circle
Find that business, deal, event and activity near you
Our mobile app automatically connects you with the nearest Black owned business service next to you. Just let the GPS on your phone and our app do the work for you. Are you a Black Business? You can list your business in our directory.
Get Directions to a Black Owned Business
We also provide you with an automated voice step-by-step direction navigating to the Black owned businesses near you. With the phone’s mapping technology, we’ll guide you to where you need to be.
Save that Favorite Black business, deal, event or activity
With our app you can save your favorites list of services you enjoy. Find a place you like, JUST SAVE IT for future visits. It takes seconds to re-discover your new favorite.
Sharing Black Businesses on Social Networks
Share each individual Black owned business via Facebook, Twitter or email. Share it with your friends, family and customers. Bring back the wealth into your community.